November 18-24: This week's words are brought to you by The Story of Christianity by Justo Gonzalez
Promulgate - [prom-uhl-geyt, proh-muhl-geyt]
July 1-7: This week's words are brought to you by Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Ablution - [uh-bloo-shuhn]
June 3-9: This week's words are brought to you by Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Yancey & Brand) and two friends who both said "wax eloquent" on the same day, independently of each other.
Wax - [waks]
May 13-19: This week's words are brought to you by Surprised by the Voice of God and a lecture my mom was listening to in the car.
Quiescent - [kwē-ěs'ənt]
Promulgate - [prom-uhl-geyt, proh-muhl-geyt]
- to make known by open declaration; publish; proclaim formally or put into operation (a law, decree of a court, etc.).
- to set forth or teach publicly (a creed, doctrine, etc.).
July 1-7: This week's words are brought to you by Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
Ablution - [uh-bloo-shuhn]
- a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as areligious ritual.
- a washing of the hands, body, etc.
- The liquid used thus.
Gourmandize - [gawr-muhn-dahyz]
- unrestrained enjoyment of fine foods, wines, and the like.
- eat good food, especially to excess
- to eat greedily or ravenously
- the appreciation or consumption of good food
June 3-9: This week's words are brought to you by Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (Yancey & Brand) and two friends who both said "wax eloquent" on the same day, independently of each other.
Wax - [waks]
- To increase in extent, quantity, intensity, power, etc.: Discord waxed at an alarming rate.
- (of the moon) to increase in the extent of its illuminated portion before the full moon. Compare to wane.
- to grow or become: He waxed angry at the insinuation.
- a brief treatment or account of a subject, especially anextensive subject; concise treatise.
- a summary, epitome, or abridgment.
- a full list or inventory: a compendium of their complaints.
May 13-19: This week's words are brought to you by Surprised by the Voice of God and a lecture my mom was listening to in the car.
Quiescent - [kwē-ěs'ənt]
- Being quiet, still, or at rest; inactive.
- to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve;
- Variant form of the the word ameliorate.
Kamikaze - [kah-mi-kah-zee]
- A person or thing that behaves in a wildly reckless or destructive manner: We were nearly run down by a kamikaze on a motorcycle.
- (during World War II) A member of a special corps in the Japanese air force charged with the suicidal mission of crashing an aircraft laden with explosives into an enemy target, especially a warship.
Morose - [muh-rohs]
- Gloomily or sullenly ill-humored, as a person or mood.
- Characterized by or expressing gloom.
April 8-14: This week's words are brought to you by Institutes of Christian Religion by John Calvin
Succor - [suhk-er]
- help; relief; aid; assistance.
- a person or thing that gives help, relief, aid, etc.
- prohibiting violation; secure from destruction, violence, infringement, or desecration: an inviolable sanctuary; an inviolable promise.
- incapable of being violated; incorruptible; unassailable: inviolable secrecy.
April 1-7: This week's words are brought to you by Institutes of Christian Religion by John Calvin
Eulogiums -
- A eulogy.
- eulogistic language.
Jejune -
- without interest or significance; dull; insipid: a jejune novel.
- juvenile; immature; childish: jejune behavior.
- lacking knowledge or experience; uninformed.
- deficient or lacking in nutritive value: a jejune diet.
Memory aid: junior, juvenile, jejunum (part of the small intestine believed to be empty after death; empty could also be construed as lacking, or deficient).
I would like to recommend exploring some words from our Anabaptist siblings, many of whom were women! The text by Snyder may be a good place to start.
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, I don't always plan on taking my vocab words from Calvin. ;) I just happen to be reading it. Yaweh is a Warrior is next on my list.