My all-time favorite quote from this semester:
"Conversion is the starting point of this journey; it is the "death of the old person" and the "birth of the new" person. This is not say that there are two different souls dwelling inside a person like a 'white dog' and a 'black dog.'"
"We are to blindly follow and obey wherever he leads us."
"As it says in 1 Thes. 4:2 'this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from fortification.'"
“In general people have a very easy role in conversion. All they have to do is, well, nothing really.”
"Conversion is an instantaneous miracle. It is something that hits you suddenly and you feel and believe your sins and they look very real to you."
"Through this I hope to constantly remind myself of what it means to be a disciple and examine my faith. At the end if I find myself to be a Christian, I will be successful."
"Spiritual formation is not something that can't be measured by human means. To ask 'how much' spiritual formation can be obtained is similar asking how much marriage can be obtained in this life....Rather, spiritual formation is a tapestry consisting of different rates, different 'colors' etc."
"A bad example of faith that I can think of is the wind. We cannot see it, but we can see the effects of it. And we also can hear, smell, taste, and feel it, which is why I said it was a bad example. Another example that I've heard before involves a chair..." Oh brother.
"This world is still broken, and even though people don't in sin anymore, they still stumble into it."
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