Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Spiritual Formation as Brought to You by... (Part 2)

The time traveler:
"I will measure [my progress in spiritual formation] on May 8, 2012 by reciting 150 verses from memory."

The garbage man:
"Our outward being is a reflection of our soul, which before Christ is like a putrid landfill, which needs to be in a constant state of improvement."

The mathematician:
"An inverse correlation to the level spiritual formation in one's life is the amount of sin still present."

The future orthopedic surgeon:
"These things are indeed the "bare bones" of spiritual discipline; that being said, they also construct the skeleton of spiritual formation as a whole, and should therefore be taken very seriously."

The cattle herder:
“Jesus died for our sin so that we can be converted, and God pokes and prods and shoves us until we believe.”

The schizophrenic:
“Listening can be so hard to do…my mind is constantly going and talking to me.”

Join the Northern Belle next week for Part 3: "Interesting Spiritual Insights" 
See Part 1 here.


  1. Such a brave adventure!! A blog! Folks have told me repeatedly, "You should write a book! You tell such funny stories!" Have been pondering starting a blog. I need some courage...:)

  2. I don't post that often, but I enjoy it, so I do it! I agree! You should do it! :)


Please use complete sentences. (Just kidding).