Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Other Spiritual Insights (Part 3)

"Prayer is huge part of spiritual formation, having that direct relationship with God. That is such a huge deal." (Ginormous, really.)

"If you do not believe the gospel, how then is it possible to pursue a relationship with Christ and grow closer to him? It is like getting married to a woman that you do not believe exists. If you do not believe she exists, then why should you feel the need to spend time with her?"
(Or better yet, HOW did you marry her?)

"Lives of spiritual formation are characterized by thoughts becoming action and action becoming change." (Does change become dollars?)

"The person's role, simply put, is to follow Jesus. This is not to say that we are to follow him in physical direction (obviously, since he not on earth at that moment)..." (Glad you clarified. I was getting confused...)

"The gospel is literally a discipleship handbook; its pages contain a wealth of info about the first disciples and Christ's direct commands to those who desire to be disciples." (Order yours today!)

"Spiritual formation, in fact life, couldn't not be possible without God intervening." (I totally know what you mean...?)

"I believe that I, specifically, should create a plan of encouraging my own spiritual formation." (Yes, my dear, that was the assignment...)

"God's role in conversion is to convict people of their sings." (Especially if they are singing lady Gaga.)

"A person engaged in spiritual formation will change the way they act towards others outwardly and the way they carry themselves turn from intimidating to powerful with an unknown reason for happiness and joy to the unbeliever." (Well, that went downhill quickly.)

"The Holy Spirit guides us through the paths in life and helps us takes decisions that are not like how we used to take." (It's alright, I used to takes decisions before I got saved, too.)

"I firmly believe the idea of, 'How much,' in regards to spiritual formation is completely bogus. Spiritual formation is not like filling a penny jar." (I mean, this is true.)

“Faith so powerful it causes us to diverge from that old path of life, that sinful path, and it causes us to chase after what the rest the world considers to be unknown…what we as Christians call 'God.'” (Mmm, yes that mystical being...)

“These four conglomerations make up the word of God.”

“As we discussed simply in class, the believer must all God in their life.” 

“When engaged into spiritual formation, the desire to do what pleases to God happen. Discipleship to other believers struggling with people who aren’t in faith happens. We follow his word and rich ourselves with it that we cannot contain it anymore and want to share it with whoever possible.” (Um...what?)

Answering the question: Describe how much spiritual formation can be obtained in this life
“There is so much that can happen. To be very specific, it would be 'The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.'" (Oh yes, that's very specific. So specific, in fact, that it fails to answer the question.)  

"The whole Bible, God's story, had led all the way up to the Gospel, his climax. His climax that is our climax every day." (Poor word choice.)

"...through spiritual formation we will become genuinely new (not totally new, but this process happens gradually)." (Some very subtle theological distinctions, here.)

"Spiritual formation is an unattainable goal that Christians are to strive for daily." 

Stay tuned for part 4 of this series: "Questionable Theology"
To see part 1, click here
To see part 2, click here

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this very much! Peoples' butchering of English and speech can get so tangled up when they're trying to be so seriously impressive. BAHAHAHA!


Please use complete sentences. (Just kidding).