Friday, November 15, 2013

Professor Ingle Quote of the Day!

"What makes a yellow-throated warbler a yellow-throated warbler? The fact that it's yellow-throated warbler."

"Naming things is a way to exert dominion over them--that's why Adam named the animals. And that's why we name our children. As a matter of fact, that's why we give them 3 names...more power!"

Poetry: The All-Nighter

Un-make-up-ed face and
Eye-balls race
To ends of lines
And thesis defines

Keyboard clatters and
Slowly splatters grey matter
When pulling an all-nighter. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dr. Sullivan Quote of the Day!

Some fun quotes from our wonderful bioethics professor:

Whenever we ask about APA formatting: "I don't care about your niggely little complications--Lord save us from the bean counters!!" 

Student: Can we do this for extra credit?
Dr. Sullivan: I don't know if I want to allow you to genetically enhance this course.