Operation Adoption

Tallia is an 11-year-old girl in East Asia who is waiting for her forever family
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Special Plea: Tallia, in East Asia

Tallia is an 11-year-old girl in East Asia that we first heard about just a couple of weeks ago. When she was only 4, she entered a foster home in her home country and has been there ever since. It's suspected that she has spinal tuberculosis. This video shows how hard it is for her to walk around, although the fact that she can do it is a testament to her determination and perseverance. By all accounts, she is a sweet, cheerful young lady who likes to help care for other, younger children.

She also longs to be in a family, and she was thrilled when she was told that she would have a chance to be adopted. (Note: In order for an orphan to be made available for adoption, a lot of paperwork and other administrative tasks have to happen, and, sadly, not every child has such papers prepared on her behalf.) Earlier this year, Tallia was informed that there was a family out there pursuing her adoption, which was great news to her. For reasons unknown to us, however, the family could not complete her adoption, and so now Tallia is again waiting for a family to step forward and adopt her. If a family doesn't step forward soon, then she will have to leave her foster home—the place that she has called home for seven years—and go to an orphanage. Her foster mother does not want to see this happen, and so she reached out to the adoption agency that currently has Tallia's file to help advocate for her adoption.

If you're interested in finding out more about Tallia, you can see her page on Holt International's website, and you can read their blog post about her, as well. Pray for this girl, and share this with others in the hopes that her forever family will step forward soon. If you are interested in finding out more about Tallia, please contact Holt directly.

In Christ,

June 17, 2015

P.S.: Tallia is listed with Holt International, which is not one of the agencies that lists children on our site. We were touched by Tallia's story, and Holt agreed readily to our involvement in trying to find her forever family.

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Special Plea for Yardley

Yardley is a young girl from East Asia who was added to our site at the end of last week. Like Tanner, she has a heart-breaking story that has us longing for her to be adopted.

She has ichthyosis, a skin condition that requires regular treatment and maintenance. (There are different types of this condition, and based on our limited understanding of ichthyosis and Yardley's situation, it seems that she doesn't have one of the more severe types. Families are advised, however, to discuss all of this with their family doctor and to investigate ichthyosis for themselves. There are links to websites for resources on her page on our site.) This condition has made it impossible for her to integrate at school, as she has faced discrimination from the other students there. So she remains in her orphanage, where she has been able to make friends over the years. All of her friends—except for one—have been adopted, and the one friend that remains is going to leave in a few months to join her forever family. As happy as we are for those children—and indeed we are!—when this happens, Yardley will be left alone, with all of her friends gone and no other peers for her at the orphanage.

She is (quite understandably) struggling with a low view of herself. Yardley needs a family to adopt her, love her, give her permanent companionship and support, and reaffirm in her the value that she has as one made in the image of God. She has touched the hearts of many around her—her orphanage has even agreed to waive the entire orphanage donation!—and we are all hoping and praying that she will be adopted. Several other agencies have already tried advocating for her, but so far, no one has stepped forward to claim this little girl as belonging to their family. Won't you help us find her forever family? Pray for her, share her story, and if you're interested in learning more about her, please e-mail us.

In Christ,


Executive Assistant
June 9, 2015
Copyright © 2015 The Shepherd's Crook Ministries, All rights reserved.
You received this message because you have expressed interest in our ministry in the past. Thank you for your prayers and support!

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The Shepherd's Crook Ministries
P.O. Box 773
West Chester, OH 45071

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The Shepherd's Crook is an adoption agency that works with special needs orphans including sibling groups, re-adoptions, and children with actual mental and physical handicaps. For more information for how you can get involved, please visit The Shepherd's Crook at www.theshepherdscrook.org and take the time to read some of the updates, articles, and stories provided below. They are inspiring!

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