Sunday, March 24, 2013

Disability Legislation

I came across a fascinating article in the New York Times on employing people with disabilities (see the article here). I couldn't help but think that my mother, despite having a son with disabilities herself, would probably not desire the potential legislation on which the article was reporting. This legislation proposed steps would require more of businesses and schools in the way of hiring and accommodating people with disabilities or special needs.

While I agree with my mom that perhaps this new legislation encroaches perhaps too much on the freedoms of businesses, there is a frustration I experience when I read a paragraph like this one from the article:

"Jill Houghton works with companies to expand employment for people with disabilities. Among the big barriers, she said, are concerns about cost. Companies worry about whether they'll have to make special accommodations or additional training and they want to know how much it's going to cost." 
If you don't want the government to legislate morality, then please, start being more moral. Are you a business owner? Do you have any say on who gets hired? Is there a way you can help someone with a disability become more integrated in your work place? Can you help others at work understand why this is important? Something needs to be done and perhaps the potential legislation should be our motivation to act.

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