Monday, April 23, 2012

Shame - A Poem

One of my wonderful friends wrote this poem, and upon reading it, I immediately asked if I could post it on my blog; she graciously obliged. Take some time to think through this one, especially if you can relate to this story.

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I put up a wall
I am hiding
my shame will protect me
it will never happen again
never again I say.

it isn't fair that one can affect another
that one can leave such a hole
that I will never be the same
that it is a part of me
that I took that burden

Then He stands with pain and anger in His eyes
that one of His is own is broken
He hangs there 
warring for my heart 
He will never cease to choose me

when my heart sees His
it cries out with hope
it breaks with joy and pain
that one so beautiful
would take my hideous shame

Why should He?
all I've ever done is say no
is break His heart
but He will spill Himself out 
He will love for eternity

that is who He is
choose Him
choose Him for eternity
when your heart is His
it will truly live.

1 comment:

Please use complete sentences. (Just kidding).