Saturday, February 11, 2012

You Know You're a College Student When - Help Choose the Winner!

So after a long break, and my first set of exams I am finally getting back to updating my blog. As you may have read, I had a contest to see who could come up with the best/funniest "You know you're a college student when..." entries. But I've decided to give it a little twist - you (yes you!) get to help decide who the winners are. Here are the entries from the college student contest! Pick your top ten and comment on this post or email my blog ( to cast your vote!

You know you're a college student when...

  1. The word "free" makes you salivate no matter what it is. 
  2. You know you're a college student when you will attend almost any meeting, club, seminar, debate, lecture, class, workshop and/or sporting event... as long as there's free food! (Gentlemen, that would include that 2-day workshop on how to become the next domestic guru on household cleaning techniques. Ladies- for you that means the 2-day seminar on ancient and modern firearm cleaning methods.)
  3. When you look forward to Friday nights so you can go to bed early.
  4. Every time the professor turns around is an opportunity to take a short nap. 
  5. You tell your roommate that the book she's looking for is "superior" to your desk. 
  6. When everything you talk about relates to a class.
  7. When the first thing anyone asks you is “how are your classes?”
  8. When you can only remember what day it is based on what classes you go to. (This means that you never know what day it is on break.)
  9. When the sound of your alarm makes you shudder.
  10. When you keep a few blank flashcards on you at all times.
  11. When taking a 5-minute break could mean the difference between at 'A' and a 'B.'
  12. When you haven't read anything but a textbook in a very long time.
  13. You live on granola bars, coffee, and the snack machine.
  14. If it doesn't count as extra credit, you aren't going to do it.
  15. When the words "Gray's Anatomy" actually makes you think of the encyclopedia, not the TV show.
  16. When you actually have to check the temperature and dress appropriately.
  17. When Saturdays are an exciting opportunity to catch up on homework
  18. When you find yourself saying things like "I don't have time to have any more friends."
  19. When you actually have to manage your time.
  20. When mnemonic devices become your best friend.
  21. When office supplies become exciting.
  22. When you know exactly how little sleep you can get and still stumble through the day.


  1. number 9, but 17 and 21 were hysterical :)

  2. you know you are a college student when your major is part of your introduction
    but i like number 1, 4, 8 and 14
    number 11 should say: a "5 minute" break ;) lol

  3. 3,8,9,12,17,20 and 22 (trying to change that one)

  4. 22 for me! I think my best time is two hours of sleep :)

  5. I like 4,5,7, 9,11,14, 16 (especially for those of us who were homeschooled for all of our lives;), 17, and 21! :)


Please use complete sentences. (Just kidding).