Monday, October 10, 2011

You Know It's Midterms When...

As a college student, I am learning that midterms mean a whole new way of life. You know it's midterms when...
  1.  There are post-it notes stuck to everything
  2. Your hand hurts from writing flash-cards
  3. The words "Going to fail..." have come out of your mouth an uncanny number of times in the past few days.
  4. You haven't changed clothes in 3 days
  5. You begin to see your school work everywhere (i.e. Thinking about food in terms of molecular composition, analyzing people's words and looking for "inherent meaning," or wondering if something would be soluble in water.)
  6. You stop knowing what anything means; instead you just reproduce mindlessly.
  7. Your room looks like there never was such a thing as "room check"
  8.  Flashcards, flashcards, flashcards...
  9.  You always feel like you need to sleep...then once you fall asleep you can't stop dreaming about missing the test or not knowing the answer...which wakes you up. 
  10. When anyone starts their sentence with "Will you..." you say "No."
  11. You start to wish you had a full size white-board in your room
  12. You tell your mom that all you need for Christmas is dry erase markers, a whiteboard, and flashcards
  13. Time becomes completely meaningless except in relation to how much of it will pass until your midterm
  14. You consider leaving your make-up on the night before just so you won't have to put it on the next morning
  15. All-nighter anyone?
  16. You have made more new documents in the last 24 hours than you have all semester.
  17. No one has heard from you in a veeeeery long time
  18. Showers become optional

1 comment:

Please use complete sentences. (Just kidding).